Volunteer with us!
ββAt Granny's we work behind the scenes with county and agency employees, providing them with items their clients need. While we rarely have face-to-face interaction with the clients we serve, our work still affects seniors and adults with disabilities in a direct, personal way and is very rewarding. We want to match your talents and interests with opportunities that will help keep Granny's up and running!
Fundraising Events
Volunteer at local one-off events on an as-needed basis.
Hosted table at local events like the Blaine Festival and Anoka's Holiday in Lights
Pizza Ranch Community Impact (greet customers and clear tables)
Annual Events
Volunteer at annual events on an as-needed basis.
Angel Program (Oct-Dec)
Collective Caring (year round)
Warehouse garage sales
Warehouse Volunteer
Accept donations from the public, take inventory and organize items at our Anoka Warehouse. Days needed include:
Tuesday's between 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Friday's between 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Interested in Volunteering?
We are always looking for more passionate individuals to volunteer with us! please reach out to grannysclosetmn@gmail.com if you would like to join our organization as a volunteer.